Welcome Home

Welcome home Scouts & Scouters!!

We just wrapped up a very successful summer camp. Congratulations to all the scouts who worked hard to earn 131 merit badges, 11 partial merit badges, 9 Scoutmaster conferences including 1 Eagle, 8 board of Reviews for rank advancement, 2 Totin Chips, 9 Firem’n Chits, 4 mile swimmers and 3 polar bears. That does even begin to include the ton of fun at the zip line, climbing wall, beach party, camp fires and so much more.

The highlight of the week was the scouts working under the tutorage of Mr. Ron Romer who guided the boys as they built a canoe from saplings, rope and tarps that smoked the competition in the Hydreck Regatta.  Not only did the boys learn some very useful skills that can be used in the future, this activity brought the troop together like no other I have ever seen. Thank you Mr. Ron for guiding and inspiring the boys to reach and gain new heights!!

Thank you also to all the Scouters who left their families and jobs so they could help the boys this last week – Paul Taber, Dave Hebden, Whitey Mansberger, Elizabeth Kruetzer, Melissa Wies, Elaine Thompson and Ron Romer. You guys and gals are the best!!

We are finalizing plans for the 2014-2015 scouting year. Our 1st campout will be a backpacking trip Sept 19-21 at Broad Creek. If you do not have ankle supporting hiking boots you should get them now and break them in before the trip. You will also need to make sure your are in top physical condition – walk everywhere you go including steps, run if you can, do plenty of leg squats and lunges to build leg muscles, pushups and pull-ups to strengthen your chest, shoulders and back and crunches for a strong center core – trust me, you will be glad you did. Please contact me if you do not have backpacking gear and we will work on borrowing some for you.

Finally, we are making plans for a troop picnic in August at North Harford Swim Club – stayed tuned for more details soon!

Wishing everyone at Troop 809 a fun rest of your summer!


Mr. Dwight