Annual Health Forms Needed!!!

It’s time to complete the new Annual Health Forms (Parts A and B) for the new Scout Year. You may get the form HERE!

I will have the old forms so that you can copy from them if you choose, if insurance information has not changed you can use the copy attached to the current form.  Please bring a copy of the NEW form found on the website (and above) to complete at the troop meetingA form will be needed for all adults that attend meetings, campouts, patrol outings, anything to do with Scouts.  We are asking that all adults complete Parts A and B of the Annual Health Form.

PLEASE, read the form (it is new) and COMPLETE all sections, both Scout and Adult signatures are required.

Also remember when you take your Scout for their physical throughout the year have the doctor fill out Part C, so that it is on file for Summer Camp.


Ms. Pam