New to the Troop?

No worries! One thing you can depend upon in scouting is that there will always be plenty of people willing to help you become comfortable in the troop.

Chances are you know some of the other parents already. But if that is not the case, we guarantee you that within the course of a troop meeting or two, you will find Troop 809’s parents to be a welcomed addition to your list of friends.

You will notice that much of the information regarding meetings and events can be found right here on this website. Upcoming meetings, registration deadlines, and troop trips are listed on our Calendar. Calendar events in dark blue are events for all the scouts. Events in turquoise are for youth leadership. Finally, items listed in maroon are either notices for our parents or meetings for adult leaders. Plus there is a lot of helpful tips for scouts (and you too) throughout the site including info about the uniforms, what equipment the scouts need, how to prepare for trips, and how to advance through the ranks.

However, the greatest asset to the mom’s and dad’s of our scouts is the fine group of adult leaders and the other parents already in the troop. We look forward to talking with you and helping you and your scout feel comfortable in Troop 809.