Mystery Hike/Wildness Survival Campout

Permission slips are due this Sunday for the Mystery hike/wilderness survival campout. ALL SCOUTS SHOULD  PARTICIPATE IN THIS EVENT! Yes, it will be challenging but I know you all will be successful.  I know you can do it and I know this will be one of the scouting experiences you will remember for the rest of your life.


There will be a backpacking demonstration and wilderness survival discussion at the troop meeting  to help you prepare for the event.


Scouts should be prepared for backpacking and bring their own food for Sat breakfast and/or lunch. We will be hiking about 2 – 3 hours Friday night after arriving to our destination & then set up camp. Some time around noon we will switch to wilderness survival mode for the next 24 hours. Scouts can choose to bring 5 items with them. Tents and sleeping bags will NOT be allowed during the wilderness survival portion of the weekend.  Items that will NOT count as one of the 5 items include any clothing you are wearing and a day pack. Items you may want to consider bringing are: Head lamp or flashlight, blanket, tarp, rope, knife, shovel, light weight saw, hatchet, food (each food item counts as one -a box of 12 protein bars is 12 items), water, water purifier, matches (small box of matches is one item), lighter, lint or other fire starter, compass, 1st aid supplies, toilet paper. These are just a few suggestions. Think what is most important for your comfort and survival and that is what you should bring.


This should be a fun and exciting campout and I really look forward with sharing the experience with all of you.