Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!! Just wanted to remind everyone that our 2014-2015 scout year kicks off this Thursday at 7:00 with the PLC meeting followed by a troop meeting this Sunday at 3:30 where instructions will be given on preparation for the back packing campout later this month. See the full September Troop calendar below:


4 @ 7:00  – PLC @ JUMC

7 @ 3:30  –  Troop meeting @ JUMC (Permission slip due for Sept backpacking campout)

13 @ 7:30-3:00 – Pit beef @ Kefauvers (Moose) 17 @ 7:00 – Committee @ JUMC

21@ 3:30 – Troop meeting @ JUMC (permission slip due for October Weblos campout)

26-28 – Campout: Intro backpacking @ Broad Creek/Saffran
Hope to see you this week!

Mr. Dwight